lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020

Tasks for this week: From 23rd to 27th of March

Hi everyone!
I hope that you are all doing great!
For this week I have a few things for you to do.


1. First, I want you to to go to webpage.

2. Then, click on the button 'Open Class' as shown in the picture below.

3.After that, enter the class code in the box. You don't need to register. You only need to write your class code below:

Depending on you class, you should write the following  class codes:
5ºA: biebrow
5ºB: rofsapa
5ºC: ojpeade

4. Now, write your NAME AND SURNAME, where it says 'Nickname'.
5. Click on the video ' Grammar Snacks Past simple - irregular verbs' and answer the questions as you listen.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you finish watching the whole video and answer all the questions. Good luck!

In this task you are going to have to write a recipe
1. Read pages 54 and 55 of your Team up! 5 book. to remember how to write a recipe. Pay attention to the structure and vocabulary. Remember to look and the photocopy you have in your notebook about kitchen verbs.
2. Then, download the template by clicking on the picture. If you can't print it, do it on white paper.
3: Write your recipe!

In this task we are going  to review the PRESENT PERFECT and the difference between past tenses and present perfect.

Here you have some videos and games to play.



Now, you have to practice what you've learnt. 


That's all for now! Have a lovely week!

1 comentario:

  1. Sí, hay que hacerla. Se iba a hacer esta semana en clase. Pero al no volver la he propuesto para hacerla en casa. Un saludo
